jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

my ordinary day

i get up at 6:o0 oclock then, i go to eat a frut, i go to the school.
i come back to school and i eat a food, i go  to the make sport , i go to the classes of violin, i comeback to the classes of violin and i make a homework, i go to make a drawing , then i take a shawer, i eat a cereal and i go to mi beed by sleep.

he get up at 5:00 o clock the, she go to take a shawer , he go to the coockingand make a food, ha go to work at the doctor.
then he come back at the house and he eat a food, he go tothe make sport whit me, then he go to beed by sleep.

she get up at 5:oo ocloc, then she take a shawer, she go to eat a te and eat a cereal.
she go to work an then she go to practice a sport, then she make a food, she eat and she go to beed by go to sleep

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